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June 2014 |
News & EventsGeneral Meeting - Tuesday, June 17, 2014“CJTU Picnic Meeting or "A Meeting with Food"”Come join us for what has become a very popular event: our annual "A Meeting With Food", to be held in the grove behind the American Legion Hall on Tuesday, June 17th, from 5 to 8 pm. A great opportunity to wind into the summer and exchange some spring fishing stories with new and old friends. We will be cooking up a bunch of burgers, hot dogs and Kim Ott's famous sausage and peppers. Plenty of side dishes, soft drinks and water, and the American Legion Hall will have it's usual full bar available just steps away. See if you are the lucky door prize winner. Price is only $ 10 in advance (we'll be collecting advance sales during the May General Meetings- see Dick Turse, or John Wester at the raffle table) or $ 15 at the door. Hope to see you all there ! Remember that the June 17th meeting is on the Third Tuesday of the month and starts at 5:00 pm.There are no meetings during the months of July and August. Next General Meeting will be on September 9, 2014.American Legion Hall
Fly Fishing 101 Event at Efingers Sporting Goods |
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President’s LetterJune 2014I can't believe that spring is slipping away into summer already. It has been an unusual year on the fishing front. Our prolonged winter has delayed many hatches on waters here in the northeast. I have taken a number of trips this spring that historically coincided with reliable hatches only to be stymied by conditions that are several weeks behind schedule. I had hopes that our fishing season would be extended later into the year, but it looks like we are jumping right into warmer summertime weather. If you fish for trout during spells of warmer weather please be conscious of the fact that these are cold water fish that are easily stressed to the point of death if water temps are too high. I typically don't fish for trout when water temps approach the seventy degree mark. Give trout a break during the summer in watersheds where temperature could be an issue. The summer months are a great time to chase warm and cold water species. I want to remind everyone that our regular meeting date has been changed this month. We are meeting on the third Tuesday (June 17th) instead of the second Tuesday of the month. In addition to the date change, there is a time and format change as well. Instead of our typical meeting we are hosting a BBQ for our members. We will kick off things at 5:00pm instead of our usual 8:00pm. We will have tickets available at the door so please come out and join us. This is strictly a social event so there will be no speaker or business portions during this "meeting". There is no news to speak of in regards to the Point Mountain Restoration Project other than we are still working through the permit process. When I have an update I will share the information with the chapter. Right now we are hoping for work to begin sometime during the fall months. The Fly Fishing 101 event at Efingers Sporting Goods was a great event. We had over thirty beginner fly fisherman and women show up for instruction. The class was broken down into three components. We had a section that dealt with stream entomology, fly selection and fly tying, a section devoted to knots, gear and saltwater fly fishing, and a third area dedicated to hands on casting lessons. In addition to The Efinger staff, a representative from Orvis and volunteers from the Bayshore Saltwater Fly Fishing club as well as TU volunteers all worked together to present this class. My thanks go out to all that participated both instructor and student alike. Folks that took part in the event received a one year membership to TU and a generous discount on Orvis gear. As usual Efingers provided a little something for everyone as well. On June 14th NJTU is hosting a Women's Initiative Open House Event for the ladies. You can get all the details in this month's newsletter or on our Facebook page. I'll give you the basic scoop right here:
I'll wrap up with a reminder that there will be no general meetings or newsletters during July and August. We resume normal business in September. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer!
Tight Lines |
Fly of the Month“Apple Core Caddis”