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May 2016 |
News & EventsGeneral Meeting - Tuesday, May 10, 2016“Dr. Roger Locandro, Rutgers University Distinguished Professor in Ecology , Evolution and Natural Resources, Emeritus”Views on Climate Change and It's Impact on All Fisheries![]() "Doc" Locandro, a recipient of the National TU Award for Teaching, is a Life TU Member, and has spent his entire career at Cook College and Rutgers University (starting as a undergraduate student in 1953) studying and teaching in the areas of fisheries and natural resources, both locally and elsewhere in the world. His undergraduate courses, where his students culminated their studies by taking long field trips to Alaska, Newfoundland, Labrador and Puerto Rico are legendary. Many of his graduates have gone on to distinguished careers in natural resources and fisheries management. He will share his views on climate change and it's impact on world fisheries, including observations made on recent trips to the high Canadian Arctic and Greenland, where icecaps and glaciers play a major role in our climate and weather. In addition he will discuss recent changes in fisheries in Newfoundland, Canada, where he has maintained a home for several decades. Tuesday, June 21, 2016CJTU Picnic MeetingCome join us for our very popular event, the 4th annual “A Meeting With Food“ to be held in the grove behind the American Legion Hall on Tuesday, June 21st, from 5 to 8 pm. A great opportunity to move into the summer and exchange some fishing stories with new and old friends. We will be cooking up some delicious burgers, hot dogs and sausage. Soft drinks and water will be provided and the American Legion Hall will have it's usual full bar available just steps away. Price is only $10.00, please submit payment to Sal Lauro prior to the event. Hope to see all of you there ! Remember that the June 21st meeting is on the Third Tuesday of the month and starts at 5:00 pm. American Legion Hall
Fly Casting and Fishing for BeginnersPequest Hatchery
Rutgers Day 2016On Saturday April 30, 2016 Central Jersey chapter of Trout Unlimited attended Ag Field Day 2016 (Rutgers Day) on the Cook Campus of Rutgers University. ![]() ![]() At this event we gave away well over 150 coloring books to children, along with fly-casting instruction, information on the Point Mountain stream restoration and Trout in the Classroom TIC. This event has become a great event to introduce the Rutgers community to CJTU, conservation work, and our education efforts on behalf of Coldwater conservation. From the start of the event we were swamped with individuals young and old who wanted to learn how to cast a fly rod. It was none stop, every time you thought you could stop and catch your breath a new group of kids and adults were waiting in line for instruction. I like to thank all the volunteers who gave there time during this event. Our volunteers make it possible for us to run these events, sharing our experience and love of cold-water fisheries. It is events like this were we could use as many volunteers as possible and I urge any of our members to help out next year. It’s great fun to see the smile on kids as well as adults faces when you share your knowledge. You may say I’d like to help but I am not a good caster, no problem most of the students are young and all you have to do is show them the basics (10 and 2) and pause on the back cast. Or you can help handing out coloring books to the kids. ![]() ![]() |
Central Jersey GossipGeorge HryvniakRon Ruskie fished in Stokes State Forest the third week in April. While there he fished from his canoe in Lake Ocquittunk in the morning. He was using his LL Bean rod with Hardy reel. He said the rod was about ten years old and when he bought it, Bean sold it as their trolling rod. He started fishing with a #14 beadhead Hare's Ear. He also fished a #10 Gray Ghost. He caught and released a couple of 14/15 inch rainbows that morning. After a few hours in the canoe he drove to fish the Flatbrook. There he used his 7'9" Orvis 5 weight rod with a Hardy Perfect reel. On a tan caddis he caught and released a couple of nice size rainbows. After that he called it a day. Another good day of fishing! Thad Ritch moved from Nevada to Central Jersey three years ago and settled in Highland Park. As a boy and young man Thad fished the Truckee River in Nevada regularly. Since moving to Highland Park Thad was unaware of places to fish for trout in New Jersey. Even the idea of trout in New Jersey was a strange thought. While in Nevada and his travels, including a tour of duty in Afghanistan with the Army, he had only heard stories of the Northeast corridor and landscape around the New Jersey Turnpike. During the past few months he started asking around for information about trout fishing in the state. ![]() That led him to our April general meeting. While there, he met a few members who gave him the information he sought. Finally, he was off to the Point Mountain stretch of the Musky on Sunday, April 24. Having fly fished for years, it didn't take him long to land his first New Jersey rainbow trout (see picture). It may not have been a monster but that stocker put a huge smile on his face and a warm feeling in his heart. He hooked a few more that day but only landed one. He told me how amazed he was by his surroundings, and that the Musky reminded him of the Truckee back home in Nevada. Greg Scott has fly fished for years, but mostly in New York and Pennsylvania. At this stage of his life his greatest joy was introducing his two nephews to fly fishing. His most memorable day this past year was with his sixteen year old nephew on the West Branch of the Delaware. This was his nephew's second season of fly fishing. He and the boys prefer to nymph fish most of the time. A guide was floating down the West Branch and noticed his nephew hooking and landing one fish after another, mostly rainbows. The guide was so impressed that he landed his boat near Greg to watch his nephew fish. He told Greg how impressed he was with the boy’s casting, line mending, and landing skills. Landing a big fish may be the means of gratification to most of us but to Greg, the guide’s comments about his nephew's fly fishing skills made for his best day on a stream last year. Fred Simonson and a friend got out on the Musky in early March on a beautiful day where the temperature hit 65 degrees. This was before the streams closed for spring stocking. Fred was using his 8 1/2' 4 weight Orvis Superfine rod. The day began with Fred and his buddy seeing an eagle fly overhead. Fred's buddy got a phone call and as a result, had to call it a day. Before he left, he suggested Fred fish a pool downstream. Well, that suggestion paid big dividends. Fred dropped a #16 red Copper John into the pool. Fred then hooked into what he called a "SUBMARINE"! After a twenty minute fight with this rainbow jumping out of the water a few times and taking him into his backing twice, he brought the fish to his net. The rainbow was too large for the net so Fred removed the hook and released him back into the pool. Fred said he feels the fish was 24/25 inches. Now that was some way to start the new year of fishing! Barry Russo and a few fellows from CJTU made their annual fishing trip to the Farmington in Connecticut for the Hendrickson hatch. It was the third week in April and they were there at the right time. Each day between 2:30 and 4:00 the hatch was on and the air was thick with Hendricksons. One evening they even saw Hendrickson spinners overhead. Barry fished his 8 1/2 5 weight rod. A few guys even caught some small Atlantic salmon that were about 9 inches. Barry fished #12 and #14 Hendrickson compara-duns. He had a good trip and caught his share of fish. What Barry remembered most about the trip was when he ran into a young local fellow named Justin Lee and his daughter. It was Justin's birthday and Barry gave him a #12 compara-dun so he could get into some fish. Barry took pictures of Justin and his daughter and sent him the photos. Again, many different experiences make for a day on the stream. At about nine or ten years old, I taught my son Paul how to fly fish. We spent considerable time in the Roscoe area in the Catskills for a number of years. He learned to fly fish but never acquired the addiction for fishing that most of us have. Much to my delight last year at thirty four years old, he found the desire to fly fish through reading about outdoor activities including fly fishing. ![]() I guess after ten years of living in a city, he sought some tranquility from the hustle and bustle of Boston. I had to buy a Massachusetts’s license last year to fish with him. After he and his family moved back to New Jersey in January for a new job, we get to fish alongside one another on the stream again. This is a picture of Paul from March in the Musky with his first New Jersey trout. With a new baby and new position, it is difficult for him get away. We hope to fish this coming Sunday (April 30) if the weather holds. BTW, the addiction has now taken hold. Welcome home son!
Until next month, Good Fishing, |
Fly of the Month“Rene’ Harrops’ Rene’ Harrops’ CDC Biot Spinner (Beatis) ”