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October 2018 |
General MeetingOctober 9, 2018Ozzie OzefovichThe Underwater World of Trout
President’s Letter
I just received word that the fall stocking of the Point Mountain section of the Musconetcong River will occur only once this fall. Our team of WCC volunteers will be out on the river in early October to stock this wonderful section of the river. The WCC is always looking for volunteers to assist with these types of programs. If you have any interest in helping in the future and getting the inside scoop on the stocking program drop me an email at president@cjtu.org or get a hold of me at a meeting and I will give you all the details. Autumn is my favorite time to be outdoors. I love being outside when the leaves are changing, and the air sheds its summertime heat. It is also my favorite time to be on the water. Fishing in solitude is a real possibility in autumn as many anglers turn their attention to hunting, reducing the number of people sharing our rivers. It is also the best time of year to target trophy fish whether they are the broodstock put in by the state each fall or our large resident fish that begin to move about in preparation for spawning. So get out and wet a line this fall. I have been looking forward to October’s general meeting for months now. Our presenter this month is Ozzie Ozefovich. His presentation is an updated version of The Underwater World of Trout. It will be a video presentation of many streams and rivers you are probably familiar with including the Connetquot River in Long Island, NY, Boiling Springs and Big Spring in PA, and the South Branch of the Raritan here in New Jersey. Ozzie has spent considerable time volunteering with the Central Jersey Trout Unlimited chapter where he served on the Board of Directors for decades as the coordinator for the Trout in the Classroom program. He also worked with the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife by being involved in K-12 education programs, stream restoration projects, and stream surveys. Ozzie has combined his love of trout with a lifelong interest in movie making. He has produced a series of underwater videos exploring how trout feed, spawn and behave in streams and rivers. He presents his many video programs at the Fly Fishing Shows, Trout Unlimited Chapters, and other venues throughout the states. His presentation at our meeting this month is one you will not want to miss. We still do not have a date for our stream clean up on Anderson Brook this fall. As soon as we firm up a date, I will get the information out to everyone. I am happy to announce that we are continuing our invasive species removal on the Burnt Mills section of the Lamington River on October 26. We will be meeting on the river around 9:00. If you would like to assist us in this critical work, send me an email at president@cjtu.org or grab me at this month’s meeting and I will get you all the details. I would like to wrap up this month by making a final push to encourage to join us at our annual banquet on October 20th at the Grillestone Restaurant in Scotch Plains. The festivities will begin at 6:00pm. The dinner will include a delicious four-course meal with a cash bar. It will be an excellent opportunity for members to get reacquainted, for family and friends to meet our members and for all to share an evening of fun, good food and raffle prizes. Among the raffle prizes will be fishing trips including one trip for two to the private waters of the Henryville Flyfishers, rod outfits such as a 9’ 9wt, a 7’6” 4wt and a Tenkara outfit. Also among the prizes are a spa basket, women’s jewelry, a women’s leather handbag and all sorts of other goodies so bring your spouse or significant other! The cost is forty-five dollars per person. We will be accepting payments for the dinner at our October general meeting or purchase tickets online. Please respond on or before October 9, 2018, as that is the cutoff for purchasing tickets. There will be no tickets available at the door. Space is limited, so reserve early. To purchase your tickets online click the link below. https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=a6eeb3 If you have any questions or would like to help in any way, please feel free to contact Marsha Benovengo, Banquet Committee Chairperson at casabeno@msn.com or at (732) 780-7185.
Tight Lines |
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Fly of the Month“K.I.S.S October Caddis”Tied by Lou Digena![]() This pattern is a simple and fast pattern to tie for the fall’s most significant dry fly action. I think the CDC under-wing not only helps with floatation but also adds the element of life (fluttering beat of the adult caddis wings). Tie them as large as a size 8 (depending on your water I mainly fish a size 10) but not smaller than a size 12. October caddis is a big bug and trout eat them readily, in their goal to bulk up for the winter. They work well for me, and I know it will work for you.
Lou DiGena Click here for the recipe! |
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited’s Supporters |