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October 2019 |
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited
Tickets are now on sale at https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=Y4Y3YT or they can be purchased at the Tuesday meeting.Please respond on or before October 10, 2019. No tickets will be sold after that date. |
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The members of Central Jersey Trout Unlimited Request the pleasure of your company at our 2019 Fall Banquet.The evening will include a delicious meal, raffle prizes and time spent with friends and supporters of Central Jersey Trout Unlimited.Please join us as we celebrate our continued efforts to conserve, protect and restore the coldwater fisheries of New Jersey. |
Save the Date:October 19th, 2019For information contact: Marsha Benovengo at 732-780-7185 or casabeno@msn.com |
Saturday, October 19th 2019 at the Grillestone Restaurant
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General MeetingTuesday, October 8, 2019John MillerStepping Up Your Entomology Game![]() Entomology simplified to identify the various insects trout feed on and in turn make you better at selecting an artificial to match the hatch. By learning the habitats of different insects, along with their behavior and the corresponding fish behavior you will be more effective in catching selective trout that often times seemed impossible before. John grew up in the Catskill Mountains, in upstate New York. He began tying flies and flyfishing at an early age, perfecting his skills on the Esopus, Kaaterskill, Plattekill, Beaverkill and Schoharie Rivers. ![]() His knowledge of aquatic entomology and photography have enabled him to capture stunning photos that have appeared in several books, including the “Orvis Pocket Guide to Mayflies” by Dick Pobst, “Catching Shadows” by Rich Strolis, “Fusion Fly Tying” by Greg Senyo, “Selectivity” by Matt Supinski, and the re-release of Al Caucci ‘s “Mayfly ID Guide”. John’s work has also been in many magazines as well, Catch Magazine, Chasing Silver, Hatches, Fly Fisherman and more. He’s also appeared in Fly Fish America as well. For more than 20 years, John has been a guide and fly-fishing instructor, and an Orvis Endorsed guide since 2002. He mastered his skill of Entomology with colleagues Al Caucci and Bob Nastasi. He guided in West Michigan at The Gray Drake Lodge where he honed his skills at fly fishing for Great Lakes steelhead. Weather it’s steelhead in the Great Lakes or chasing wild trout in the Catskills, you’ll find John near some piece of water guiding clients, fooling big browns or photographing the things that trout eat. Pre-Meeting Fly Tying ProgramAs a broadening of our Chapter’s educational offerings we are continuing the new premeeting program aimed at those in our Chapter who have interest in the pattern or techniques mentioned in the Fly of the Month. So come at 7pm this coming Tuesday if you are interested. Bill Ninke will be demoing the techniques for tying the "Mercer’s Missing Link” featured as the October Fly of the Month. As a special added feature Bill will describe his two favorite methods for tying in, wrapping, and tying off parachute hackles and explain why they are his favorites. Tuesday, November 12, 2019Wendell "Ozzie" OzefovichFishing Montana![]() Born in eastern Pennsylvania, Wendell "Ozzie" Ozefovich grew up fishing the streams of the coal mining region. His passion for trout and their world began at age six, when a brook trout fell prey to a garden worm. That passion continues unabated for the salmon and trout he now pursues with fly and rod. After serving four years in the US Navy, Ozzie spent his professional career in training and course development in the power generation industry. His experience in teaching allows him to discuss the nuances of hydrodynamics and make them understandable. Since retiring Ozzie has spent considerable time volunteering with the Central Jersey Trout Unlimited chapter where he served many years on the Board of Directors and was the coordinator for the Trout in the Classroom program. He has also worked with the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife by being involved with kids education programs, stream restoration projects and stream surveys. In the late 90’s Ozzie combined his love of trout and his experience in lecturing with a lifelong interest in movie making. He has produced a series of underwater videos exploring how trout feed, spawn and behave. He has chronicled wild and hatchery trout in their natural environs. His narrated video presentations have opened the eyes of thousands of anglers across the country. There are currently three dvds available -- Discovery, Feeding Lies, and Trout Vision and Refraction. Video presentations include Atlantic Salmon Fishing-Good Guides and Not so Good Guides, The Life Cycle of the Brook Trout for Trout in the Classroom Students, and Not Just Trout, a banquet presentation which appeals to not only anglers but to non-fishers alike. DVD's are available for sale on www.underwateroz.com. Wading and drift boat fishing the Missouri River from Canyon Ferry Dam to Pelican Point. I have fished the Missouri River every year since 2002. Besides wetting a line in other rivers in Montana, the Missouri is still my favorite. Fishing the Anaconda Settling Ponds in the Warm Springs Wildlife Management Area. Normally, one would not think that the nation’s largest Superfund site would harbor any fish at all, let alone monster trout. Yet, that is the case at the Anaconda Settling Ponds, located north of Anaconda and fifteen miles west of Butte. I have fished it and it's true, but there is a risk. FYI, google The Anaconda Settling Ponds Fishing Reports. Meeting LocationAmerican Legion Hall
President’s Letter
Fishing in the fall is not without its challenges. Low, clear water means spooky fish. The main hatches of the year are behind us, and the ones in front of us are likely going to cause a little strain on the eyes as you struggle to tie on that size 20 BWO or size 24 midge! For now, there are a few caddises about along with the last of the Iso's, and there are always terrestrials to fish before the first killing frost. The next challenge begins once the leaves start to fall. A river full of leaves can be frustrating, to say the least. But the rewards are there if you put your time in. I have consistently caught my biggest fish off the year in the fall. For those of you that fish the trout stocked waters of the state get ready for a fresh influx of fish. The fall stocking begins in October, and as usual, the state is expected to put some large broodstock fish in our area rivers this fall. If you want to help out with the stocking of our adopted water on the Musconetcong River, the Point Mountain Tract, consider joining the WCC. WCC/TU members stock the Point Mountain Tract several times a year and we can always use a few more folks to help us stock that stretch by hand. Walking the fish in along the river does a much better job distributing the fish than dumping them off a bridge. This stocking program is one of the reasons you enjoy such good fishing here! The big news for this month is our annual fundraising banquet. Tickets are now on sale for the dinner. You can pick them up at our meeting or order them online. You will find a link to the ticket sales on our homepage at www.cjtu.org The dinner takes place on October 19th at 6:00 pm at the Grillestone Restaurant 2377 U.S. Highway 22 West, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076. The evening will include a delicious meal, raffle prizes and time spent with friends and supporters of Central Jersey Trout Unlimited. Please join us as we celebrate our continued efforts to conserve, protect, and restore the cold water fisheries of New Jersey. Our 2019/20 Trout In The Classroom Program is underway. We have a date set for egg deliveries and can always use a little help. If you are available to help out on October 21st during the day, please get in touch with us. Send an email to president@cjtu.org, and I will put you in touch with the right people and fill you in on what takes place. Next month is the tenth anniversary of the Fly Fisherman Of The Year Contest and the annual T.U. State Council Banquet. Both events take place on November 2, 2019. The goal, as always, is the promotion of New Jersey fly fishing. The One-Fly Contest will take place at Shannon's Private Waters at the Raritan Inn Bed & Breakfast, Califon, NJ. This event will showcase nearly a mile of private waters on the South Branch of the Raritan River as the site for this event. A fully restored 1850's barn will house the displays and presentations. The event is sponsored by The Raritan Inn and Shannon's Fly and Tackle. Each NJ Trout Unlimited chapter is invited to select one (1) member each to participate in the event. The day will include informal presentations such as casting demonstrations, entomology presentation, reading the stream, stream enhancement- case studies and South Branch restoration plans, fly tying, bamboo rod construction, streamside techniques, and N.J. fish habitats. The day's events will be followed by a pre-registration only dinner at $65.00, silent auction, and an awards presentation immediately following the finals. A cash bar will be open from 4:00 pm, followed by dinner. Presentations and awards at 6:30 pm will finish out the fun-filled day. Please join us for what is sure to be a day filled with fish and fish stories alike. Ed Kordyla will be representing CJTU this year, and I encourage everyone to come out and support him. There is no cost to come out and observe the competition and take place in the day's activities. I also strongly encourage folks to attend the State Council Banquet afterward. It is a great evening that supports an even greater cause. Bill Ninke once again hosts this month's pre-meeting fly tying. This month he presents his version of Mercer's Missing Link Caddis. I had a sneak peek at this month's fly, and it looks great. I will be in the audience myself for this one! We are looking to change the format of our fly tying classes for the upcoming year. We will still be offering both beginner and advanced courses, but we are restructuring the structure and fees (for the better!). Stay tuned for more info. Speaking of fly tying, I'll wrap things up by mentioning our December fly tying meeting. Rumor has it that Santa may be making a surprise visit again this year so that is a meeting you will not want to miss. Bring your vise and join in on the fun. Even if you have no interest in tying flies, you will not want to miss this meeting. More to follow…
Tight Lines |
News & EventsFall Stocking at Point MountainThe fall stocking of Point Mountain will take place on Wednesday, October 9th, 2019. This will be the only stocking of Point Mountain this fall. We will be stocking some bigger fish again this fall. All volunteers will meet at the Point Mountain parking lot at 8:00 AM. There are no closed stocking dates in the fall so we can fish right after we stock. Ed Kordyla, CJTU Stocking Coordinator ![]() https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7355313 Use the link above to access amazon.com and help support CJTUCJTU is now part of the Amazon Smile program. By clicking through to Amazon with the above link, CJTU will receive a small percentage based on your purchase. Fly of the MonthMercer’s Missing LinkTied by Bill Ninke![]()
Last month I presented a pattern, the Copper Cripple, which was intended as a mayfly emerger but has proved quite effective as a caddis emerger also. This month I present a pattern that was designed to be a spent caddis but has also proven to be effective as a mayfly emerger. This pattern is the Missing Link, the creation of Mike Mercer, who works at The Fly Shop in Redding, CA. Mercer gained early fame as a fly designer for his Poxyback nymphs. But he has many other designs tied commercially by Umpqua and has published a book, “Creative Fly Tying”.
His testing ground for this pattern was the Lower Sacramento River which flows a short distance from his work location. This section of the river is famous for its evening caddis hatches and Mercer wanted something that would work during the short evening grab. He chose a sparkly body and spent wings which hang under the film, a parachute hackle which hang in the film, and a hair wing as a sighter. The pattern was initially called the Missing Link Caddis but the Caddis was dropped from the name when it was discovered the pattern had all the elements and triggers of a mayfly emerger. In fact, I’ve caught more trout using this pattern during mayfly hatches than during caddis falls.
Mercer likes the TMC 102Y which is a short shank wide gape hook with a sproat bend. The body of wrapped thread is carried slightly around the bend giving the body a nice slightly downward curve. A flashabou rib gives the body a slight sparkle. Most people don’t carry midge size flashabou so use regular flashabou and stretch it before wrapping. You want the segments of the body that show through equal to the rib width. Mercer ties two slightly different color variations using olive or camel 8/0 UNI thread. I use a compromise, 6/0 Danville olive, which is halfway between the two UNI colors. Works great for me. I do tie versions with regular and bleached hair. Depending on lighting conditions, either the regular or bleached hair is easier to see on the water. Grease only the sighter wing and parachute hackle when fishing. You want the body and spent wings just under the surface. Fish dead drift. Click here for the recipe! |
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited’s Supporters |