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www.cjtu.org |
December 2021 |
General MeetingAll meetings will be virtual on the Zoom platform through December 2021!We will be having a virtual meeting on Tuesday, December 14th at 8:00 pm. We will be using the platform ZOOM to conduct this meeting. The link below can be used for all meetings through December 2021. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86184198571?pwd=ZnNQTkVzMkRiR3djQm1xRUYrWm8vdz09Meeting ID: 861 8419 8571
President’s Letter
Greetings CJTU Members and Friends! As the Holidays and the end of the year approach we are reminded of all that we have accomplished together this year, on behalf of Central Jersey Trout Unlimited (CJTU)! We are reminded of the fun of our meetings along with the great Speakers and Presentations, the techniques and the destinations that we learned about. New Directors joined our Board and took on responsibilities right away. Once again CJTU members came together for the "Musconetcong River Clean-up and made a difference. We held our "Picnic" indoors, it was well attended and fun! "Thank you" to John Wester for again organizing the delicious event. CJTU collaborated with the Ernest Schwiebert TU chapter and attended the "Trenton River Days" as an outreach event with the nearby communities, teaching fly casting and talking about TU. "Thank you" to Tom Kapusta for representing CJTU at this worthy event! Our meetings, held via Zoom, have been well received and allowed us to stay connected with members. And, we have invited other Chapters to join us for these informative evenings and they have done so! Our Speakers have been from a variety of places and have presented on lots of interesting topics. Our own Agust joined us from Colorado and as usual was entertaining and informative. Ben Turpin taught us how to up our game with "Guide Lessons" and Matt DeLorenzo spoke about fishing the Adirondacks. In December we will hear from our friend Tim Flagler. "Thank you to Nick Romanenko and John Wester for keeping us in the loop with our great monthly Speakers and Presentations. CJTU was represented at the FFoY's One-Fly event by one of our newest Directors, Mike Marucci. We also made a donation to the event's Auction, which was the scene of some fun Chapter bidding. We are excited to hear that Trout in the Classroom is back. CJTU is again participating through the leadership of John Wester, with assistance from other CJTU members. Our membership has grown this year. Bart Lombardo has continued to make and stay in contact with those who have expressed an interest in joining CJTU. Let's help to grow and diversify our membership. CJTU was recently one of the chapters that participated in the Lopatcong Creek Tree Planting. Four chapters participated, almost 100 trees were planted and I saw firsthand how much hard work was done! More work will be done in the future, so there is an opportunity for CJTU members to participate and make a difference! CJTU will have a booth at the Garden State Outdoor Sports Show January 6 through January 9th, at the New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center (Raritan Center Expo Hall). This is a great opportunity to get the word out about CJTU and the work that we are doing in New Jersey. We need Volunteers to help staff the CJTU booth! If you would like to give a few hours on any of the days please contact Marsha Benovengo at casabeno@msn.com or (908) 216-4855 and let her know when you are able to support the Chapter. We appreciate your help! For specific information about times and other info check www.gsoss.com. CJTU is also participating in the TU "Priority Waters" project. This selection process is happening all over the country. It will help TU "to identify a set of shared statewide "Priority Waters " to guide our organization's wild and native trout work", It will help us to develop a shared vision of TU's NJ conservation goals. Chapter and Partner knowledge and expertise will be used to identify these "Priority Waters". It will not detract from local opportunities of chapters' home waters. Our CJTU representative to the "Priority Waters" project is our newly appointed Conservation Coordinator Daniel Calligaro. CJTU members have another opportunity to help the Chapter by representing us at the yearly Fly Fishing Show, January 28-30, 2022 in Edison. This is another great opportunity to tell the CJTU story! Please check your calendars and reach out to Marsha Benovengo at casabeno@msn.com or (908)216-4855 and let her know when you can help staff the CJTU booth. Thank you for volunteering! As the year comes to an end, we would like to "Thank you" for your support of CJTU! We are grateful for all that you do to make CJTU and our work a success! And, we are looking forward to working with all members in 2022! Stay well and safe! Wishing you all "Happy Holidays"!
Marsha Benovengo, |
News & EventsCJTU Needs Your Help! We Need Volunteers!Garden State Outdoor Sports Show
CJTU has again secured a booth at the Garden State Outdoor Sports Show. This show is a great opportunity for CJTU to build awareness of the Chapter and to do Outreach. At this show, we have the chance to make attendees aware of the work we had done, the plans that we have and invite and encourage them to join CJTU and work with us to live out the TU Mission to conserve, protect and restore fisheries in New Jersey. Please check your schedules, find some time to join us and help staff our booth at the Garden State Outdoor Sports Show, and tell the CJTU story! If you are able to help please contact Marsha Benovengo at casabeno@msn.com or (908) 216-4855 and let her know when you can help. Thank you, we appreciate all that you do to support Central Jersey Trout Unlimited! The Fly Fishing ShowJanuary 28 - 30, 2022
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited’s Supporters |