December 2014

It is hard to believe another year is just about past us by. As I write this a warm fire is crackling next to me and a cold rain is falling outside. It has been a a wet few days and this rain will definitely help our streams and rivers in the state. If you had a chance to wet a line this fall you encountered skinny water for sure. So far this fall has produced some fairly mild weather. There have been a few cold snaps but there were plenty of fishing opportunities to be had. I hope all of you had a chance to get outdoors.
Here are some quick updates on chapter activities. In the month of November we were involved in several activities. First up were the "One Fly" competition and annual TU Banquet at the Raritan Inn. Both events were well attended. I was especially proud that one of our members, Dick Turse, was honored at the the banquet when he received NJTU's Lifetime Achievement Award. Our success as a chapter over the years has certainally been influenced by Dick's hard work. Towards the end of the month we were at the Fly Tying Symposium in Somerset NJ. It was a good show though attendance seem to be down a bit, but its hard to say because the show is in a larger venue now. As always, it is a great opportunity to get your hands on whatever fly tying materials you may need. For those that purchased a raffle ticket for our fly rod giveaway we will be drawing the winner at this week's general meeting. Thank you and good luck to all that participated!
Our next event will be the NJ Outdoor Show in the early part of January. The dates are January 8-11, 2015 at the NJ Convention and Expo Center in Edison, NJ. For additional info click the banner in this month's Mainstream. At the end of January we will also be at the Fly Fishing Show on January 23-24 back in Somerset, NJ.
We had a little bit of encouraging news on the Point Mountain Restoration Project. We recieved confirmation that we are moving through the approval process. Our fingers are crossed that we will be announcing the start of this project soon.
This will be my last President's Letter as I am stepping down at the end of the month. It has been an honor serving as the chapter's president for such a long time. I plan on being as active as ever and I am looking forward to taking on some different roles in the future. I wish the best to Richard Dooley who was agreed to step up to the plate and take over the helm. I know he will do a great job!
This month's meeting will feature my good friend Rich Thomas, our State Council Chairman, who will give a presentation on "The State of TU". Also we will be drawing our rod raffle winner and handing out our 3rd Fly Swap of the year. Show up a little early for the meeting as we are experimenting with a new format starting at 7:30pm and we will be serving some refreshments.
Next month's meeting is our annual fly tying meeting so dust off those vices! Also our fly tying classes kick off next month. There is still time to reserve your spot, look for additional information in this month's MainStream
I'll wrap up by wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
November 2014
This will be one of my last President Letters to you. My term is coming to an end at the end of the year and our by-laws dictate that it is time to pass the torch. I have reached the end of my term limit and can no longer continue as Chapter President. I have thoroughly enjoyed my years as president of this chapter. We have a very dedicated Board of Directors, it has been a pleasure working with them and the other officers of the chapter. Although I am stepping down as President I plan on staying very involved with the chapter. I am looking at this as an opportunity to take on other roles and help get some new initiatives off the ground.
At this time we do not have a firm commitment from anyone to take over as president. I am asking each one of you to consider stepping up and take on the leadership role of Chapter President. This very rewarding position, is not difficult and you would be given the necessary support from your Chapter's Board, and myself. This issue is a serious one. Your Chapter Board of Directors does not have a replacement to fulfill this position. With this being said and in accordance with Chapter and National by-laws, the Chapter cannot function without a President and therefor may be forced to fold. This is the last thing I would like to see happen, especially after so many years of our Chapter's existence and service it has provided to you, the members. If you have any interest in the position please reach out to me (bartlombardo@ and I can provide more information about the role.
We have a great speaker for this month's meeting. If you have spent any time on the internet viewing fly fishing or fly tying videos you have most certaining come across the work of Tim Flager and Tightline Productions. Tim produces the highest quality fly tying videos I have ever seen and he is an accomplished angler to boot! He has a stunning HD video presentation on late fall trout fishing that you will not want to miss. So come out and jion us this Tuesday night at 8:00pm.
I have dusted off my fly tying desk and have begun tying flies in earnest again. Although I will often sit down and knock out a pattern or two to refill a fly box throughout the year I do most of my tying during the winter months. It's this time of year that I inventory my materials, figure out what needs to be replensished and try and come up with list of new materials to try out. I usually have a running list of new patterns I want to tie and I want to make sure I have the materials needed on hand. Next will come an inspection of all the fly boxes used during the year. This will result in more lists of patterns that need to be tied.
Do I have any trips lined up? Of course I do! More flies to tie! Why mention all this? I'll tell you...the annual Fly Tying Symposium is right around the corner. This show is in it's 24th year and it still continues to grow. It is a great opportunity to stock up on the materials you need. In addition it is a chance to rub elbows with some of the best fly tiers in the world. This year Central Jersey Trout Unlimited will have a table at the show. We'll be there to answer questions about our chapter and show off some of our members fly tying skills. Stop by and say hello if you at the show. The dates are November 22nd and 23rd, the show is taking place at the Garden State Exhibit Center, in Somerset, NJ.
While still on the subject of fly tying our third fly swap for the year is coming to an end this month. This swap's theme of "go to patterns" has me very excited. I can't wait to see what all of our tiers consider their "go to" flies. It should be a great selection.
Do you want to learn more about fly tying? Your opportunity to do so is right around the corner. We will be kicking off our annual fly tying classes in January. We have classes for every skill level from novice to expert the cost is only $50.00 and it is a great excuse to get out of the house and do something fishing related in the middle of the winter. Check out our website for all the details.
I don't have any news on our Point Mountain restoration project to share with you other than we are still in a holding pattern waiting for permits to be approved. The chapter is currently developing a list of future projects, so if anyone has a suggestion for a project for CJTU please reach out for me or one of the board.
I want to wrap things up by recognizing the work of our chapter Treasurer, Dick Turse. Dick was recently given the Lifetime Acheivement Award from the New Jersey State Council. Dick Turse is one of the few remaining founding members of CJTU. He has been active in the chapter since it's inception, serving as a member of the board for the most of that time. Dick has held nearly every position as an officer including several terms as president. He currently is the chapter's treasurer. He works tirelessly in all areas of the chapter in addition to serving as treasurer. During my tenure as president Dick has truly been my "right hand man". He has always been passionate in regards to Trout Unlimited and is always on constant on alert for issues that may effect our chapter. I consider him one of the hardest working volunteers in our chapter. He is an effective communicator who engages other board members on a regular basis to keep them informed on current events. I could not think of anyone more qualified to receive the lifetime achievement award. Congratulations!
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
October 2014
The transistion from summer to autumn has begun. The nights are noticeably cooler and the trees are starting to put on their color, it's time to head back to the river... Autumn is my favorite time to be outdoors. Fall fishing can be fantastic but it is not without its challenges. Skinny, clear water can make the fish very spooky and the major hatches for the year are over. That's not to say that a decent hatch is out of the question, but more often then not, the constant decent of leaves can make dry fly fishing or any fishing for that matter a challenge. Despite all the pitfalls, it's a great time of year to spend a day on a trout stream.
I'm happy to report that our storage shed is now weather tight and sporting a new paint job. John Westor had volunteered to finish all the work that was needed to complete this project and he did a fantastic job. Thanks John!
We have a few events coming up in the weeks to come. First on the calendar is a stream walk and clean up on VanCampen's Brook scheduled for Saturday October 25th. We will be meeting at Millbrook Village at 10:00am. We'll then head up to the river and begin our clean up. We'll have more info at the meeting or you can drop me an e-mail if you want to join us.
Next on the agenda is the annual One Fly Competition and NJTU Banquet on November 1st. This year Rick Dooley will be representing CJTU. With Rick behind the fly rod I'm confident we'll bring home the gold this year. The NJTU banquet will immediately follow the event. The location for both events is The Raritan Inn on the banks of the South Branch of the Raritan River. Tickets can be purchased through Shannon's Fly Shop. Last year the event sold out so if your interested in going, get your tickets early! I'll have more information at this week's meeting.
Finally to wrap things up we will be attending the Fly Tying Symposium in Somerset NJ on November 22 and 23. If you would like to help out at the show please contact me. If your attending the show, stop by and say hello.
I'm pleased to announce that the permits needed to begin the Point Mountain Restoration Project are finally in the hands of the officials. Now the waiting game begins for the permits to get approved. Its unfortunate that we are not ready to go, the conditions are perfect right now! We're keeping our fingers crossed that we sail through this process without any additional problems.
I missed our last meeting where we announced our third fly swap for the year. As I understand it the topic for this swap are "go to flies", those secret weapons we all have. I believe there are still some spots left for those interested. I plan on jumping in myself if there is room.
Thats all for now, I hope to see everyone at our meeting on Tuesday.
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
September 2014

I hope everyone enjoyed their summer, I certainly enjoyed mine. The cooler than average temperatures made it quite comfortable to spend time outdoors. I started my summer with ten days in Montana at the begining of July and experienced some of the best fishing I have had in the Yellowstone region. This had been a year where you could actually enjoy some summer trout fishing in New Jersey if you picked your days right. We had some down right cool weather this summer, which should increase survival rates of holdover fish. I am looking forward to the shorter days, the cooler weather and the changing colors. All that spells autumn trout fishing, my favorite time of year!
It was a very quiet summer for CJTU. Not much to report. We did get some promising news on the Point Mountain Project. The permits have finally been submitted and we are now awaiting final approval for the project. There is a chance, though slim, that we may see work started this fall. We're keeping our fingers crossed!
Although CJTU will not be present at this event, I wanted to let everyone know about the NJ Wild Outdoor Expo. The New Jersey WILD Outdoor Expo celebrates the state's bountiful natural resources and rich outdoor heritage. The event is held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily at the Colliers Mills Wildlife Management Area in Jackson Township, Ocean County. The 2014 dates are September 13 and 14. The Expo is an annual event which is free of charge and takes place rain or shine. This event is right in my backyard and I attend it every year. It is a great day out with the family with planty of activities for everyone. You can get more information about the event by visiting
However, CJTU will have a booth at the upcoming Fly Tying Symposium. The 2014 International Fly Tying Symposium will take place on November 22nd and 23rd 2014 the at the Garden State Exhibit Center, Somerset, NJ. If your at the show stop by our booth and say hello.
We will be bringing back the fly swap for our September meeting. I believe this swap's theme will be "go to flies". I'm excited about this one. It's always great to see other angler's secret weapons.
We have a lot of things in the works for the upcoming months which I will discuss further when all the details are fleshed out. Were hoping to add some new activities and programs which our members should enjoy. If you have an idea or suggestion for a chapter activity drop me a line or grab my ear at a meeting. That's it for now, tight lines...
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
June 2014
I can't believe that spring is slipping away into summer already. It has been an unusual year on the fishing front. Our prolonged winter has delayed many hatches on waters here in the northeast. I have taken a number of trips this spring that historically coincided with reliable hatches only to be stymied by conditions that are several weeks behind schedule. I had hopes that our fishing season would be extended later into the year, but it looks like we are jumping right into warmer summertime weather. If you fish for trout during spells of warmer weather please be conscious of the fact that these are cold water fish that are easily stressed to the point of death if water temps are too high. I typically don't fish for trout when water temps approach the seventy degree mark. Give trout a break during the summer in watersheds where temperature could be an issue. The summer months are a great time to chase warm and cold water species.
I want to remind everyone that our regular meeting date has been changed this month. We are meeting on the third Tuesday (June 17th) instead of the second Tuesday of the month. In addition to the date change, there is a time and format change as well. Instead of our typical meeting we are hosting a BBQ for our members. We will kick off things at 5:00pm instead of our usual 8:00pm. We will have tickets available at the door so please come out and join us. This is strictly a social event so there will be no speaker or business portions during this "meeting".
There is no news to speak of in regards to the Point Mountain Restoration Project other than we are still working through the permit process. When I have an update I will share the information with the chapter. Right now we are hoping for work to begin sometime during the fall months.
The Fly Fishing 101 event at Efingers Sporting Goods was a great event. We had over thirty beginner fly fisherman and women show up for instruction. The class was broken down into three components. We had a section that dealt with stream entomology, fly selection and fly tying, a section devoted to knots, gear and saltwater fly fishing, and a third area dedicated to hands on casting lessons. In addition to The Efinger staff, a representative from Orvis and volunteers from the Bayshore Saltwater Fly Fishing club as well as TU volunteers all worked together to present this class. My thanks go out to all that participated both instructor and student alike. Folks that took part in the event received a one year membership to TU and a generous discount on Orvis gear. As usual Efingers provided a little something for everyone as well.
On June 14th NJTU is hosting a Women's Initiative Open House Event for the ladies. You can get all the details in this month's newsletter or on our Facebook page.
I'll give you the basic scoop right here:
- Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Private residence, Hampton Borough, NJ
- Free weekend, no fishing license required
- Stations for women to learn about fly fishing, gear, fly tying, river reading and coldwater conservation
- Email to register for event and get directions
I'll wrap up with a reminder that there will be no general meetings or newsletters during July and August. We resume normal business in September. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer!
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
May 2014
I hope everyone is getting an opportunity to get out and wet a line this spring, despite all of the problems plaguing this year's trout season. Unfortunately our state hatchery had to euthanize 90,000 additional brook trout over the last month as they continue to battle the furunculosis outbreak there. Despite all this bad news you can still find some quality fishing. Anglers are often surprised to learn that there are opportunities to fish for wild trout in New Jersey. Scattered throughout the northern portion of the state are 175 or so small streams that support populations of all three trout species. Thirty five of those streams are designated as Wild Trout Streams. These waters may require a little research to find and are small and often hard to access, but they can provide very rewarding angling.
We have a busy weekend coming up. On May 1Oth we will be participating in a beginners fly fishing course being hosted by Efingers Sporting. At this writing we are hosting a class of about 50 students. The class will be taking place in the vacant building next to the store. The event begins at 10:00am, if your in the area stop buy and say hello. If this gets to you in time, your welcome to come down and lend a hand.
We were advised this month that the permits for the Point Mountain Restoration project were completed and we are awaiting their submission to the state. I'm hopeful that we will see some movement on this important project in the near future.
Next month is our 2nd annual CJTU BBQ. The event will take place on June 17th, beginning at 5:00pm. Please note that this is not our usual meeting time. There will be no meeting on the second Tuesday of the month and we are starting a few hours earlier on the day of the cook out. The BBQ will take place outside of the hall behind the rear parking lot. If you have not already signed up you can do so at this week's general meeting. I believe there will also be limited ability to show up on the day of the event as long as the food holds out. This is a social gathering to allow everyone to get to know each other. There will be no speaker or business portion during this event.
It looks like the caddis fly swap may have to be pushed back a month. It is my understanding that flies are still coming in. If that holds true we will be handing out the flies at our June meeting (that's another reason to attend the BBQ).
Looking forward to the rest of the year, I have two more items to mention. First off, we are bringing back our CJTU merchandise program. We are working with LLBean to bring you quality clothing and other items with the CJTU logo. We will have samples and ordering instructions available in the fall. We are also beginning to collect donated gear for our upcoming flea market event at the Pequest Hatchery next March. This event has evolved into an excellent fundraising opportunity for the chapter. If you have any unwanted gear collecting dust, please consider donating it to the chapter. We will collect your donations and bring them up to the Open House event next year. The proceeds from the sales come directly back to the chapter to assist us in our conservation efforts. You can bring your donated items to any chapter meeting or contact me directly to arrange to have the items picked up.
I need to cut things off here, as I have to get back to packing for my trip to Maine next week to chase landlocked salmon on Grand Lake Stream. Unfortunately, it looks like I will need to pack a snorkel and a pair of swim fins as the river is flowing at 4 times the level for optimal fishing. But, a week of staring at a swollen river from the front porch of a cabin in the Maine woods is still better than a week at work!
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
April 2014
It's finally here, the season opener is a mere 24 hours away! It's been a long hard winter! This year has been the first year I have not enjoyed any pre season fishing so I am especially anxious to wet a line this year. Part of my opening day ritual involves a camp out the night before. It looks like it could be a wet miserable night but tomorrow looks promising.
This year's trout season will be a little different from previous years. As previously discussed, the Furunculosis outbreak has altered the stocking regiment for 2014. There have been a lot of concerns about this but the Division of Fish and Wildlife has stated that there are no human health risks associated with the bacterium which causes Furunculosis. There is some good news for anglers who are worried that their favorite waters may have been adversely affected this year. The following information was posted on the Division's webpage: Over 250,000 trout will be stocked for Opening Day - 60,000 more than previous years! 87 waterbodies will receive more trout than ever before! Rainbow and brown trout will be stocked for Opening Day instead of brook trout that most waters typically receive!
A small pilot study completed by the Division last year demonstrated rainbows were caught 2 to 1 over brook trout in 8 ponds. Four new river sections added to the program for this year only! In addition, two other waterbodies not scheduled to be stocked will receive trout this year. Bonus Broodstock Program continues with ten lakes to receive 30 rainbow trout weighing in at over 5 pounds!
1000 jaw-tagged rainbows are being stocked as part of the Hook-a-Winner Program This will be a great opportunity for anglers to discover new waters! For up to date information visit You can download a PDF that will explain all of the changes occurring this year as well as identifying the new waters receiving trout this year.
All this talk about hatchery fish really is contrary to Trout Unlimited's mission of preserving the ecosystems of wild and native fish. Here in New Jersey hatchery supported waters is something we have to live with. However, there are plenty of wild trout streams in the state. These little gems are often hidden and may take a little detective work to locate, but they are well worth the trouble. Get out and explore them!
I have a few things of interest to talk about. First off is this Tuesday's general meeting. Our own Wendell "Ozzie" Ozefovich will be giving his presentation "Not Just Trout". This is one you will not want to miss! You can check out our website or our Facebook page for a video trailer of the presentation.
Despite the wet weather we had a good time up at the Pequest Hatchery for the open house event. We were able to sell all of our remaining gear donations that our members were so generous in providing. I believe that we raised close to three thousand dollars since we started this three years ago. This has been a great fundraising effort for us and we would like to keep it going. Thanks go out to everyone that has donated something to the cause! Once again we are putting out the request for your unwanted outdoor equipment. Instead of gathering dust in a basement or garage why not donate it to CJTU. We will be accepting donations at every meeting, so if you have any gear laying around you would like to donate bring it to one of our general meetings. Our second fly swap filled up within minutes of being announced. Our first one was a huge success! Thank you to all that participated. Our caddis fly swap is due at our May meeting, so get tying!
You will be seeing some changes in our merchandise promotions in the weeks to come. We are once again taking orders for clothing items with the CJTU logo embroidered on them. All of the items are from LL Bean so you can be assured of excellent quality. We will announce more information as it becomes available. We still do not have any new information on the Point Mountain Restoration project, other than we are moving through the permit process. We did receive word that the Point Mountain tract was stocked, but we did not assist in the stocking. CJTU members who are also associated with the WCC will be assisting in stocking this section two additional times this year.
Finally I want to remind everyone about our June BBQ. It will take place on the third Tuesday in June. Check out the rest of this newsletter for details. Last year's event was a blast you should definitely consider joining us this year! That's it for now. I hope those of you that are heading out tomorrow have a great day.
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
March 2014
Rumor has it that Spring is just a few weeks away. I typically don't put much faith in rumors, but I really want to believe this one. This year may go down as the first year I have not enjoyed a pre-season winter fishing trip. There have been a lot of reasons that have prevented from wetting a line this year, but the weather is at the top of the list.
It has been a tough winter for most of us here in New Jersey. This type of winter, though a headache for us, is actually a blessing for our cold water fisheries. All this white stuff on the ground will eventually start to melt. Unlike rain that tends to run off more than soak in, most of this snow will end up in the ground. That is good news for our ground water systems that have been in need of a re-charge. The last few season openers have seen our rivers flowing at late spring or summer levels. This year should see a return of normal spring time flows.
Its ironic that we will finally have normal river conditions, but this season's fishing may be severely impacted for some folks. It is probably common knowledge by now that there has been another furunculosis outbreak at the hatchery. Furunculosis is a naturally occurring bacterial disease (harmful to fish not humans) that was likely introduced to the hatchery by outside sources such as birds. The fish in the hatchery have been successfully treated but there are concerns that there is still a possibility that the disease could be spread to wild fish. In an effort to protect our wild fisheries from this threat, a modified stocking program will be implemented. Public hearings on the issue are still taking place as of this writing. At the moment, the plan is not to stock trout in waters that may contain wild or native trout populations. This will include many of New Jersey's popular trout waters. If you would like more information on this situation visit the Pequest Hatchery's website, a proposed list of trout stocked waters can be found there.
This would be a good time to discuss Trout Unlimited views on trout stocking. Trout Unlimited has had a long standing position on this issue. We are generally opposed to the stocking of any trout over native species. But here in New Jersey we realize this is a delicate balancing act. That being said, Central Jersey Trout Unlimited strongly supports the actions being taking by the state to protect our native fish. Recognizing the fact that our organization is primarily made up of trout fisherman, we realize this is a very important issue to most of you. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide additional information when it becomes available.
Central Jersey Trout Unlimited is looking for volunteers for two separate programs this month. First on the list is a call from help from NJ Conservation Officers. Each year conservation officers post the trout stocked water signs you see on our trout streams. They are requesting assistance from our members to put up these signs on sections of the Musconetcong River. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out. You can reach me via email, through our website, or speak to me at our meeting next week. The second event is the Pequest Hatchery Open House. This is a two day event is scheduled for March 29th & 30th (rain or shine). We are looking for volunteers to help out at the fishing pond and to assist at our booth.
At next week's meeting we will be distributing the flies tied for our first fly swap, which focused on midge patterns. As a participant, I am excited to receive my flies. I'm interested to see what other chapter members have tied and I am looking forward to testing them on the water this year. Based on the success of the first one we will be doing it again, this time with a focus on caddis patterns. We will discuss it in more detail at the next meeting. We have a great program on macro-invertebrates lined up for this month. Next month, we will bring back "Ozzie" Ozefovich who's program entitled "Not Just Trout" will answer the question "Why do we fish?". Following that we have a presentation about tuna on the fly on the deck for May. The big news is the month of June. This year we are bringing back our annual BBQ. On Tuesday, June 17th we will hold our 2nd Annual CJTU BBQ. There will be great food, door prizes and good company. The cost for the event is $10.00 for a prepaid ticket and $15.00 at the door.
The last item I want to mention is our fly sale program. We have secured hundreds of dozens of flies to sell as part of our fundraising program. We selected flies that are effective on local waters and we will be selling them at a great price. In addition to special events we will be selling these flies at our general meetings. Be sure to check them out! I have run a little long this month so I am going to wrap things up. Hopefully the rumors of spring are true and we'll all be back on the water soon.
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
February 2014
Cabin fever is seldom a problem with most New Jersey winters. During most winters there are plenty of opportunities to get out and wet a line. This winter season is a slightly different story. Colder than normal weather and a good snow pack(for New Jersey) is probably keeping most of us indoors these days. What's making it difficult to get out and fish will be a blessing for our cold water fisheries come the warmer weather. All this frozen precipitation will recharge our ground water systems and hopefully come the season opener we will see a return of our normal high springtime flows.
If you could not get out to fish at least you had an opportunity to attend some of the area outdoor shows last month. Central Jersey Trout Unlimited was at two area events last month, the NJ Outdoor Expo and the Fly Fishing Show. Both events were profitable for us. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who volunteered their valuable time to help out at these shows as well as those who participated in our fund raising efforts.
If you are a fly tier I hope your taking advantage of being shut in by the weather. I will be setting up in front of the vise as soon as I finish this news letter so I can tie up the midge patterns needed for next weeks fly swap. For those that may not be aware we are completing the first in a series of fly swaps. For those interested in participating each swap will focus on a different insect, pattern or type of fly. To participate all you need to do is sign up and tie the specified number of flies (based on the number of those participating). At the end of the fly swap you will receive one fly from each tier so you will leave with the same number of flies all from different tiers. All we ask is that you tie one extra fly to give to the chapter. We'll take those flies and offer that selection for purchase or as a raffle item.
If you not a fly tier but still need to re-stock those boxes you in luck. Starting with the next general meeting we will be offering flies for sale at great prices. Of course you'll have to come out to the meeting to take advantage of the savings. We will be offering for sale hundreds of dozens of flies proven to work on area waters. So if you need to stock up for the upcoming season, come on out to a meeting and check out our flies.
As expected, there will not be much going one this month. Next month we will be gearing up for the Pequest Hatchery Open House event. The Open House will be held Saturday and Sunday March 29 and 30. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, rain or shine. Speaking of the hatchery, they are still struggling with Furunculosis, a fatal disease affecting cold water species of fish such as trout. We'll have more information on this situation as it develops.
Here is a quick run down on our upcoming speakers. This month we will feature something for the salt water angler. Captain Paul Eidman will talk about the importance of bunker and the role this baitfish plays in our ecosystem as well as our day to day lives. Also he will discuss the work being done with river herring (alewife and blueback) as well as American shad.
In March we will feature Jon Dugan the NJDEP/AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassador who will give a presentation on how the presence of certain macro invertebrates indicates a healthy stream. Jon will also cover stream entomology & how to properly identify insects that are in the river. In April we will be featuring our own Wendell "Ozzie" Ozefovich and his presentation “Not Just Trout”. This fantastic presentation was originally scheduled for our December meeting which was cancelled due to bad weather. Ozzie puts on a great show, this is one you will not want to miss.
Remember to check our Facebook page to keep up to date on chapter events as well as last minute notifications. We are loving the amount of activity this page is getting and we will continue to add content on a weekly basis. That is going to wrap it up for now. It's time to throw another log on the fire and slide the chair over to the tying bench and get to work on those midges!
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at
January 2014
This President's letter is coming to you from the floor of the Garden State Outdoor Sportsman's. I am here with a number of our dedicated volunteers attempting to spread the word about Trout Unlimited. Unfortunately the first two days of this show has been extremely slow. At least I am getting my fly boxes filled up as I am one of the tiers at our booth. My thanks go out to all those that have volunteered to help out for this show. Despite the low turnout, so far the has been a success for us, thanks to the hard work of our volunteers. There is currently some brisk activity taking place selling tickets for our fund raising raffle as I type away on my ipad.
We will be attending one more area show this month. The Fly Fishing Show in Somerset, NJ is the biggest show of its kind. It will take place January 24th through the 26th at the NJ Expo Center in Somerset, NJ. We will have a booth in the lobby area so if you are attending the show stop by the boot he and say hello. We will be raffling off a fly rod donated to the chapter by Bob Jacklin of Jacklin's Fly Shop in West Yellowstone, Montana. Our thanks go out to Bob for his extraordinary generosity. If you ever find you way out to West Yellowstone his fly shop is a mandatory stop!
Our fly tiers will also be at Efingers Sporting Goods every Saturday this month. Stop by and check out what's going on. If you need more of an incentive they are running a tremendous sale on fly tying materials. If you are TU member you can save thirty percent on fly tying materials and vices! A sale like that does not come around to often (it runs to the end of the month).
Winter is in full swing, and this time of year is a great time to tie flies for the upcoming season. If your interested in learning about this fantastic extension to you fly fishing be sure to attend this month's meeting. Our January meeting is our annual Fly Tiers Night. Everyone is encouraged to bring their materials and tools for a night of community fly tying. This is a great opportunity to learn from tiers of all skill levels. Expert to beginner, everyone is welcome! Coffee and donuts will be served, and the business portion of the meeting will be kept to an absolute minimum to allow for more opportunities to socialize.
If you looking for learning even more about fly tying, consider signing up for one of our fly tying classes. The classes take place every second and third Tuesday for 5 sessions starting in two weeks. Look for additional information in this newsletter.
For those that we're interested in seeing Ozzy's presentation that was cancelled in December you'll be happy to learn that he has been lined up for April. I'll have more information on other upcoming speakers in our in next month's newsletter.
I'm going to keep this short, things are actually getting pretty busy here at the booth so it's back to work for me. Stay warm and remember the water can't stay hard forever...
Tight Lines,
Bart Lombardo
You can contact Bart at